Pilates Together
At Body & Mind Pilates Training Studio, we believe in bringing the Pilates community together for the greater good. With that in mind, we are creating an initiative called "Pilates Together", which will allow us to do what we love while supporting not-for-profit organizations that are helping build a better tomorrow. This is what we have achieved so far...

UNICEF campaign for children of Ukraine led by Veronique Boissonnas in partnership with The Studio Marin in California.

Fundraising Event
SOS EB Kids is a 501 [c] [3] charity that started when a group of friends, made aware of the immense, lifelong suffering borne by patients of Epiderrmolysys bullosa, an incurable genetic disease,
felt they had to take action.

To learn more about the work they do please visit www.sosebkids.org

Michael Johnson Mobility Workshop Fundraiser for Rescue Right. Rescue Right, a New York State 501(c)3 non-profit organization has developed spay/neuter and vaccination programs as well as adoption outreach and daily feedings of feral cat colonies. To find out more please visit www.rescueright.org.